What is Private Label?

A private label product is manufactured by a contract or third-party manufacturer and sold under a retailer’s brand name. As the retailer, you specify everything about the product – what goes in it, how it’s packaged, what the label looks like – and pay to have it produced and delivered to your store. This is in contrast to buying products […]

Private Label Powder Drink

Private label drinking service powder (instant powder), It is the provision of services in the process of completion of a certain product or goods that working process from the beginning of production until the end of the packaging or just packing it until the finished goods and ready for sale. Marketing PT Supra Sari Lestari Contact

6 Types of Healthy And Delicious Fruit Syrup For The Month of Ramadan

The fruit syrup is one of the must-have drinks in Ramadan, because almost everyone needs a refreshing sweet drink when breaking the fast. Currently we can easily find syrup of various fruits sold in the market. Unfortunately, not all market products are safe for the health of the body, for example: the use of artificial sweeteners, chemical dyes, preservatives, and […]

Private Label Powder Drink Services

Do you Reseller Agent Distributor Have a reliable Network Marketing ..? MLM Owner? Want to sell your Own Brand Without having to invest Factory, Machinery and Labor Owner Franchise Exporter Cafe Owner, Restaurant or Catering We accept Private Label Services for various powder products with basic ingredients: Instant coffee Instant tea Chocolate Powder MilkShake With quality Raw materials and best flavor. […]

Private Label Powder Drink

Private Label Powder Drink is the production process or manufacture of powder beverage product by PT Supra Sari Lestari for customer’s brand. We have grown into a powder beverage maklon company with HACCP certification and Halal certification from MUI. Some of the products we have produced include: Milk Tea Lemon Tea Cappuccino Green Tea Latte Beauty Drink Fruit Powder Mamio […]

Perusahaan Private Label

Private Label – Persaingan bisnis saat ini sangat kompetitif dimana merek produk tidak hanya bersaing dengan merek produsen lain, tetapi juga bersaing dengan produk tanpa merek (generik) dan produk private label. Khusus produk private label, perkembangannya akhir-akhir ini sangat cepat sehingga bisa menggeser kekuatan produsen ke retailer. Hal ini dilakukan oleh para retailer sebagai strategi untuk memperkuat loyalitas konsumen terhadap […]

Pengemasan Dan Pembuatan Syrup Buah

Buah- buahan dapat diolah menjadi berbagai olahan produk seprti sari buah, sirup, manisan, selai (jam), jelly, anggur buah, acar dan lain-lain.  Pembuatan sari buah dan sirup buah pada prinsipnya sama , kecuali penambahan gula dan cara penyajiannya. Sari buah bisanya langsung diminum dan tanpa mengalami fermentasi, kadar gula yang terkandung berkisar 12-14%, sedangkan sirup buah penggunaan gula sampai 60% dan dikonsumsi […]